Ranked Match 500,000 DL Cup Results

See here for 500,000 DL Cup Announcement.

Announcing the names of the Top Three ranked players and their primary decks from 500,000 DL Cup, which ran from 11/23/2018 (Fri), 3:00 AM - 12/5/2018 (Wed) 2:59 AM (UTC)!
*Rewards based on players’ final standings will be delivered to the Gift Box after the conclusion of the 12/12/2018 (Wed) maintenance.

See here for each Gifted character's top-scoring deck and player name!
→See here for details.

  • TP: 3500P
    Gifted: Shikigami [Deck Code: 162,530]
    Equipped Magia Skills: Underworld Pact / Stygian Nova / Terror Virus

  • TP: 2430P
    Gifted: Shikigami [Deck Code: 172,130]
    Equipped Magia Skills: Underworld Pact / Stygian Nova / Terror Virus

See here for 4th - 100th Place →

Place Name
4th Placeほんま
5th Placeきゅわばら
6th Placeふじさん
7th Place嶺上開花?ありがとう
8th Placexsshk@香港
9th Place元祖名古屋名物
10th Placeあるふぁ
11th Placeアヘニキ
12th Placeニャータロー
13th Placeぬえ
14th Placeろー
15th Placeたごまる
16th Placepeople
17th Placeシン
18th Placeチリ
19th Placeはらぺこパンダ
20th Placeメル
21st PlaceBR9C
22nd Placek cobra
23rd Place名無し
24th Placeちゃー*
25th Place怒んタコす
26th Placekapibara
27th Placeケンシロウ
28th Placetoma
29th Placeありがとうオリゴ糖
30th Place青野月音
31st PlaceTK@パンデミック
32nd Place闇アテナ
33rd Placeジヨン大兄貴
34th Place雨宮
35th Place
36th Placeさはさは
37th PlaceEq
38th PlaceERZA
39th Placeみなと(休憩)
40th Placeディー
41st PlaceAsk
42nd Placeぺーちゃん
43rd Placeoooo
44th Place自称反抗期
45th Placek.m
46th Placeはろ
47th PlaceHeadstrong
48th Placeたたゆ
49th Placeライザップ失敗
50th PlaceRバース44
51st Placeいにしえのじんぱち
52nd Placeカズオスカー
53rd Placeアソパソマソグミ?
54th Place小部東の神童
55th Placegina
56th Placeなお茶
57th Placeヒル・ホース
58th Place不知火
59th Placetimpi0
60th Placeモカ
61st PlaceRay
62nd Placeヘポメニアス
63rd PlaceBitterSweet
64th Placeスタンピート(ОдО
65th Placeななな
66th Placeまさき
67th Placeぴろた
68th Placeコロンビア商事
69th Placeふぉーとれす
70th PlaceQ.S
71st PlaceTIMBO
72nd Place☆はなはな☆
73rd Place漆黒
74th Placeshohei
75th PlacewAWa
76th Place切断されて負けた死、ね
77th Placeベディの横乳
78th Place降参君
79th Placeざきさん
80th Place白狼
81st Placewilliccp
82nd Placeハル
83rd Placeのりこ
84th Placeぼぎー
85th Placeいかたこうにかに
86th Place(*∇*)
87th Placekaki
88th Placeわいず
89th Placezoi sol
90th Place* manchi *
91st Placeエオ
92nd PlaceMini
93rd Place望っち
94th Placeやくまん
95th Place(;´д`)
96th Place刹那
97th Place角のおっさん
98th PlaceS7uirreL
99th Placeとも
100th Placeマッマ